Live event in Stockholm Sept. 4 with jeremy naydler

You are all warmly welcome to this live conversation with philosopher and gardener Jeremy Naydler at NAV in Stockholm, Sweden taking place Monday September 4th (food and mingle from 17.30 with the event beginning at 18.30). It will also be live-streamed on NAV’s Youtube channel!

This is the first of a series of events this fall exploring the idea of conatus, or life-force, and how it weaves together the threads of ecology, consciousness and desire. This conversation with Jeremy will center on the question of how we cultivate our truly human, life-giving qualities in a time where we are increasingly entangled in the artificial, and especially artificial intelligences:

“Advanced technologies and artificial intelligence are rapidly growing more enmeshed in our lives. How does this affect the deeper realms of consciousness, spirituality and our relation to the living world? As the artificial becomes more adept at mimicking life, does life itself risk becoming evermore machine-like ? What are the unfolding human qualities that machines cannot acquire and how might we cultivate them?”

I’m very much looking forward to continuing the conversation Jeremy and I began in our episode from last summer – and especially to have the additional energy and input of an audience. I always hoped that the podcast would be able to contribute to more in-person meetings and conversations, so this is a part of that effort. And I’m very glad to be doing this as a collaboration with NAV, which is a truly special meeting place. Daniel Lundqvist and Anna Von Bothner who run it have done so much these past few years to create spaces for building community and hosting conversations on how we find our way forward in challenging times.

All information and links to tickets can be found here. (If you decide to support NAV by becoming one of their members, you receive a discount for all of their events.) There will be very reasonably priced food and drinks to buy. If you are not able to come in person, it’s possible to stream the event on NAV’s Youtube channel (cost 50SEK/ 5€). A lightly edited version will also eventually be available on the podcast.

I hope to see many of you there – a warm welcome to you all!


PS: I should also mention that Jeremy will take part in two other events during his stay. One on September 6th with Biodynamiska Föreningen in Järna and another with storyteller Inger Lise Oelrich on September 10th in Skåne. Feel free to share this info with anyone you think might be interested! 

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One Comment

  1. November 5, 2024

    Hi I’m trying to contact Jeremy. I quote from ‘Living in the Shadow of the Machine’ in my book UnEldered. … I’d like to send him a copy and ask if he’d be interested in an interview. KR Françoise Elvin

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