In this podcast we venture into the Forest of Thought to explore the ecology of ideas that our lives are embedded in – re-examining the familiar and catching glimpses of the new. Read more about the idea behind the podcast here. Welcome!

Get in touch at ingrid@forestofthought.com.

Introducing the Forest of Thought family:

WANDERING HOST : Ingrid M. Rieser

I spend a lot of time wondering about how we might live differently – live well together with other humans and species – but I keep feeling there’s so much more to explore. This podcast is an attempt to do that wondering together with others, by wandering the Forest of Thought.

When I’m not podcasting, I make films and visuals. Sometimes I write things. Write to me if you have ideas for the podcast or want to collaborate!

CO-WANDERER: Felicia Sjögren

Felicia is a writer and artist working with photography, film and sound. She currently lives in an old dairy on the island of Gotland. Wanderings along the Baltic Sea become entangled with those of the Forest, and new topics and conversations emerge where the two meet. Find her at feliciasjogren.com  and on Instagram @ztormaz

CO-WANDERER: Emma Larsson

After many years of living in Colombia, Emma Larsson has recently moved back to Sweden with her husband and one-year-old baby Sol Noah. The podcast is a welcome diversion from the baby bubble, since Emma loves everything that involves deep discussions about the complex world we live in. After working as a freelance writer for more than a decade, Emma has moved into working increasingly with film and audio the last few years. Get in touch with her at emmaviolarsson@gmail.com


Embla’s particular expertise is in appreciating the present moment (especially when the present moment involves odor-related inquiries or pursuing sticks). She helps out with grounding our dangerously abstract adventures. She is also Chief Financial Officer for our project.

MUSIC: Christian Steen

Our amazing theme music is created by multi-talented musician and producer (and all-round incredibly nice person) Christian Steen. Please check him out at stoneproduction.no. Also, his band Moron Police has a bit of a cult following – check them out too.