Welcome to this Forest of Thought live podcast with anthropologist and author Mikael Kurkiala, on Wednesday December 4th 17.00-18.30 in Mallas Sal, Uppsala Public Library. Free admission.
Is humanity a promise waiting to be fulfilled? Many cultures maintain that we are not bornhuman but that we may become fully human through cultivation and care. Could it be that our destructive tendencies are not because of our human-ness, but rather due to a lack of it? If so: where and how can we cultivate our humanity? All species play their part in the living web – what role might we humans have to play in this unfolding drama?
Mikael Kurkiala is a cultural anthropologist and author. He spent many years living and working with the Oglala Lakota people of South Dakota, and is currently a researcher at the Church Office. His most recent books are ‘When the Soul Goes into Exile: Modernity, Technology & the Sacred“ and “Where the Pendulum has its Base: On the Eternal in Humans”
For those of you who can’t make it: The talk will be recorded and later released as an episode on the podcast. But hope to see you there in person!
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